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FieldNotes: a Seasonal Newsletter from Naturopathic Health Care

Peruse back issues of FieldNotes below and find seasonal and helpful advice and links to articles of interest. To receive the next issue of FieldNotes directly via email, sign up on the top right of this page. When prompted, choose "Naturopathic Health Care General Interest" and the next issue will show up directly in your inbox.

Drs. Rothenberg and Herscu also publish Less is More: An Occasional eNewsletter from New England School of Homeopathy. Sign up to receive future issues as described above for FieldNotes but choose "New England School of Homeopathy General Interest" when prompted; of course feel free to sign up for both. Click this link to view past issues of Less is More.

  • Summer Solstice 2023! As the sun reaches its zenith we reflect on important questions: What are the trajectories we create by the priorities we make, the relationships we nurture, the way we spend our time? Take the time to ponder these lofty thoughts while making a delicious Refreshing Summer Bean Salad.  And enjoy reading an informative article about cancer screening recommendations by Dr. Rothenberg: Follow the Resaerch, Follow the Guidelines.
  • April 2020, COVID-19 Update: Dr. Rothenberg lays out naturopathic approaches for boosting your immune system and a bunch of other clinical pearls related to COVID-19.  Includes her recipe for a quick and healthy two-minute salad. In this issue we recommend Mask Match
  • Spring 2020: COVID-19 Epidemic: This issue offers information on the epidemic, including specific ways to support your immune system. In this issue we recommend Feeding America. Try Dr. Rothenberg's recpie ideas for creating a colorful and delcicious immune plate meal.