FieldNotes: a Seasonal Newsletter from Naturopathic Health Care
Peruse back issues of FieldNotes below and find seasonal and helpful advice and links to articles of interest. To receive the next issue of FieldNotes directly via email, sign up on the top right of this page. When prompted, choose "Naturopathic Health Care General Interest" and the next issue will show up directly in your inbox.
Drs. Rothenberg and Herscu also publish Less is More: An Occasional eNewsletter from New England School of Homeopathy. Sign up to receive future issues as described above for FieldNotes but choose "New England School of Homeopathy General Interest" when prompted; of course feel free to sign up for both. Click this link to view past issues of Less is More.
- Summer Solstice 2023! As the sun reaches its zenith we reflect on important questions: What are the trajectories we create by the priorities we make, the relationships we nurture, the way we spend our time? Take the time to ponder these lofty thoughts while making a delicious Refreshing Summer Bean Salad. And enjoy reading an informative article about cancer screening recommendations by Dr. Rothenberg: Follow the Resaerch, Follow the Guidelines.
- Happy New Year 2023! We hope the New Year will allow you some time to rest, recharge, and take a few deep breaths. Our 2023 Calendar, featuring Dr. Amy's pressed flower artwork, is available by clicking here. Read Dr. Rothenberg’s article for nursing moms: Here's Help for Nursing Moms. And enjoy a recipe for Corn Chowder, a perfect winter-time soup.
- Autumn 2022: Autumn is Here We welcome the fall here in New England, but know that winter is not far off. Read some helpful tips for getting ready for winter by Dr. Rothenberg, including a recipe for hearty and warming Minestrone Soup. Also, we are very excited to announce a new course offering: the FOUNDATIONS of HOMEOPATHY Online Course - Introducing the Fundamentals. Check it out!
- Summer 2022: Summer Time Health Hello, from warm, muggy New England! Read an interesting article on the importance of your Microbiome. Also, pre-order is now available of Dr. Rothenberg’s new book, You’ve Finished Treatment, Now What? A Field Guide for Cancer Survivors. And enjoy some tips for making an Easy Two Minute Salad.
- December 2021: Happy Holiday Times! Happy New Year! Our annual 2022 Calender is here! Dr. Rothenberg also shares various helpful COVID resources from the past year+, as well as an article on how naturopathic medicine can help with long-haul COVID. Enjoy a bright twist on an old favorite with Cranberry Hummus. And in this issue we recommend the company Charity Navigator, to find charities where year end giving will do the most good.
- November 2021: Calling Up Gratitude Happy Thanksgiving! How about a recipe for healthy Sweet Potato Pie? Dr. Rothenberg also shares her attitude towards gratitude as well as some timely tips for counterbalancing burnout and stress.
- Summer Time 2021: Beautiful Inside & Out It is summer, go out and enjoy the benefits of fresh air and sunshine. Keeping skin health in mind; Dr. Rothenberg shares a few tips, as well as a case of severe cystic acne. Also try her delicious no-mayo coleslaw recipe! In this issue we recommend the company TOP: the organic project.
- Spring 2021: Dr. Rothenberg discusses acid reflux and the natural treatment of GERD. Plus a recipe for lovely and refresshing Springtime Confetti Salad. In this issue we recommend the organization The Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence.
- February 2021: Information and Support for this Time Read Dr. Rothenberg's thoughts on considerations related to taking the COVID-19 vaccine. And instead of a recipe, enjoy a free recipe e-book download: Winter Weather Foods for Immune Support. In this issue we recommend the organization IM4US.
- Happy Holidays 2020! Read Dr. Rothenberg's article: Why Can’t I Lose Weight? The Role of Obesogens in Our Obesity Epidemic, and a yummy recipe for roasted squash seeds. In this issue we recommend the Calm app. And don't forget our annual calendar!
- Fall 2020: Anxiety in Children This issue focuses on supporting anxious and worried children. It highlights an article by Dr. Rothenberg: Whole Person Help for the Anxious Child: Tools, tips, and coping strategies: a natural medicine approach, as well as a webinar she gave on the same topic. In this issue we recommend Smiling Mind. Plus a delicious recipe for stuffed cabbage.
- April 2020, COVID-19 Update: Dr. Rothenberg lays out naturopathic approaches for boosting your immune system and a bunch of other clinical pearls related to COVID-19. Includes her recipe for a quick and healthy two-minute salad. In this issue we recommend Mask Match.
- Spring 2020: COVID-19 Epidemic: This issue offers information on the epidemic, including specific ways to support your immune system. In this issue we recommend Feeding America. Try Dr. Rothenberg's recpie ideas for creating a colorful and delcicious immune plate meal.
- December 2019 Composing a Life: If sleep is an issue for you, read Dr. Rothenberg's article Sweet Dreams: Homeopathic Help for Insomnia. In this issue we recommend Alphabreaths, The ABCs of Mindful Breathing. Includes the recipe for simple and comforting squash (or pumpkin) soup.
- Fall 2019 Healthy Transitions: Life is full of transitions. As our fall weather here is visibly changing by the day, Dr. Rothenberg talks about a number of other transitions including children going off to school and what's next after treatment for cancer. She also includes a yummy, high-protein peanut butter cookie recipe. In this issue we recommend One Way Screen Printing.
Summer 2019: This issue focuses on cognitive decline and healthy aging, and debuts a supplement designed to support healthy aging, mood, behavior, and memory. In this issue we recommend Lithia Basic. Be sure to try Dr. Rothenberg's delicious, refreshing Brain Boosting Smoothie!
Spring 2019: Dr. Amy Rothenberg talks about the importance of buying organic with an update on the Dirty Dozen & Clean Fifteen fruits and vegetables to help make grocery shopping easier. Plus another one of her famous breakfast muffins. In this issue we recommend Missionary Chocolates.
- Winter 2019 When Dreams Come True: Read about Drs. Rothenberg and Herscu’s new clinic in Northampton, MA. Also Medicine You Can Cook With: 10 Health Boosting Ingredients for Winter & Beyond, plus a yummy recipe for roasted brussels sprouts. And a new organization close to our hearts: the Naturopathic Oncology Foundation.
- Holiday Greetings 2018: Check out Dr. Rothenberg's Warming Sock Treatment to help knock out those acute winter ailments. And she shares her adventures into baking and creative gift giving with 13 Healthy Muffins recipes. In this issue we recommend The Integrative Healers Action Network. Something for everyone!
Summer 2018: Dr. Rothenberg encourages you to rescue and relish some morsels of summertime relaxation and pleasure and includes a watermelon salad recipe to help. Read her article entitled Are Your Meds Making You Depressed? Consider Approaches from the Naturopathic Medicine Toolbox. In this issue we recommend the Institute for Natural Medicine.
May/June 2018: Dr. Rothenberg writes about The Role of Natural Medicine in Preventing and Treating Heart Disease (and what she wished her father knew...), plus a Chilled Cucumber Soup recipe perfect for summer. In this issue we recommend Everytown for Gun Safety.
March 2018: Includes an update and information on Masschusetts ND licensing, an article on overcoming C. diff infections, and enjoy Dr. Rothenberg's comforting recipe for rice pudding. In this issue we recommend Reusable Silicone Food Bags.
Happy New Year 2018: Read an article on beating the winter blahs and feeling happy all year long: Shining Light on Seasonal Affective Disorder, by Amy Rothenberg ND. In this issue we recommend circus arts and The Commonwealth Circus Center. Also a recipe for almond flower chocolate chip cookies - delicious and gluten free!
Fall 2017: focuses on the challenges many folks have with seeing and perceiving the world. In this issue we recommend See the World: The Learning and Reading Program, by Dr. Paul Herscu. Plus delight your taste buds as Dr. Rothenberg introduces you to some seasonal treats including products made by Carr's Ciderhouse. Try this recipe for Amy's quinoa salad!
Summer 2017: Dr. Amy Rothenberg is recognized for her contributions to the field with the 2017 Naturopathic Physician of the Year Award at the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians Annual Convention in Phoenix, Arizona! In this issue we recommend Katalyst Kombucha, and include a recipe for refreshing watermelon soup.
Spring 2017: Dr. Amy Rothenberg shares some simple everyday lifestyle tweaks to help Rheumatoid Arthritis; PLUS a delicious great grab & go breakfast recipe and one of her favorite apps for yoga & mediation classes: YogaGlo. There is something for everyone in this issue. Enjoy, and Happy Spring!
December 2016: enjoy some well needed self-care tips this time of year! You'll also find a link to our 2017 calendar to print & enjoy, and a recipe for an easy and delicious frittata. In this issue we recommend Meditation and Mindfulness.
Fall 2016: This issue addresses homeopathy's role in pain treatment and recovery from addiction in the article: America's Hidden Opioid Epidemic, by Dr. Amy Rothenberg. In this issue we recommend Tapestry Health of Western Massachusetts and include a recipe to make delicious, colorful, and nutritous quinoa salad.
Summer 2016: Keeping things light in the summertime, Dr. Rothenberg writes about intermittent fasting and includes some thoughts on juicing. And an update on the licensure effort in Massachusetts for Naturopathic Doctors.
Spring 2016: includes a great case by Amy Rothenberg ND of an 11 year old girl diagnosed with gastro-esophageal reflux. Plus a recipe for orange cranberry biscotti - gluten free! In this issue we recommend the Syrian American Medical Society.
Fall 2015: Cultivating a Posture of Gratitude. Happy Thanksgiving to all our friends, students, patients & colleagues. We are grateful to have the work we do and are sending out wishes for healing and peace to all. Read Dr. Rothenber's article on using the right tool for the job, and enjoy her recipe for Fall Muffins. In this issue we recommend the UN High Commissioner for Refugees.
Summer 2015: Our medical practice summer enewsletter with a nice homeopathic case thrown in for good measure, plus a recipe for date nut balls. In this issue we highlight Peggy O'Mara of Mothering magazine.
Spring 2015: This issue includes an article about supporting hospital stays with homeopathy by Dr. Rothenberg. And an instuctive, easy, and visually beautiful recipe for stir frying veggies! In this issue we make the recommendation to Consider a Massage from a Massage School Student.
Spring 2014: Dr. Rothenberg explores the idea of transformation as winter gives way to spring and shares some natural ways of preventing and treating gout. Read tips on grilling a whole salmon, and an easy way to get a soothing foot massage.
Winter 2013/2014: Creative & unique gift giving is always a challenge around the holidays. Dr. Rothenberg shares her “Soup of the Month Club” idea, along with 12 months of healthy & delicious soup recipes. Also learn more about the whole person approach to The Battle of the Bulge: Metabolic Syndrome - hypertension, high cholesterol, pre-diabetes, & obesity. In this issue we recommend Pacific Foods of Oregon Soups.
Fall 2013: Enjoy the bounty of the season with the story of Dr. Herscu's first succesful fig crop and the similarly hard earned recognition of the important role naturopathic medicine plays in addressing the nation's health care crisis. Savor a delicious poached pear recipe as well as vivid images from a Colorado artist, Raina Gentry Fine Art.
Winter 2012/2013: Become inspired to get moving in the new year; read about Drs. Rothenberg & Herscu's adventures with ballroom dancing and watch a motivational video on the benefits of exercise. Grab a quick, healthy green salad on the go and learn what homeopathy has to offer for the treatment of cystic acne.
Summer 2012: Dr. Rothenberg talks about being focused in our lives & looks at alternative treatment approaches to ADHD. Also read about the benefits of leafy greens and a yummy cooked kale recipe. In this issue we recommend the Seeds of Solidarity Education Center.
Spring 2012: In our 1st issue of FieldNotes, Dr. Rothenberg recounts experiences from her inaugural spring rollerblade and ties them to her own roots and beliefs in natural medicine. Also find help for the natural treatment of the allergies using nutrition, herbal medicine and homeopathy. Dr. Rothenberg's homemade chicken soup recipe is also in this issue as well as information on the benefits of eating fermented foods, like Real Pickles.