Paul & I have taken up ballroom dancing this year. I am loving it all: the music, the movement, meeting people, learning something new. Each new dance I try is easier to learn because in this wheel of learning, I know more and more of the basic skills related to posture, rhythm, following.
It is SO MUCH easier to be the follower in ballroom dance. That said, I know I need to take care of a few things to be a capable and graceful follower. I need to be able to hold my frame well, which involves the whole body, standing tall with the proper set of my arms, depending on the dance. And simultaneously, I need to be relaxed! The other thing I need to do is be totally open and receptive to my partners slight movements and "leads," which might come through his body position, a hand in mine or a secure palm on my back. I need to let go and allow myself to be led, perhaps the hardest thing of all for a take charge person like me! Funny thing is, I am LOVING the NOT having to make any decisions! I love the way this kind of dancing forces me to stay focused. I like taking individual lessons whether it's foxtrot, salsa, waltz, rumba, east or coast swing, hustle or tango, and then mixing it up at social dances. I even bought a pair of those ballroom dancing shoes!Photo of Amy & Paul with their kids & friends taking a salsa class at Dance Northampton with William Duffy
Like ballroom dancing, healthy living is a lot about adopting the right posture in life, both figuratively & literally. It's about practicing the good stuff and being disciplined. It's about choosing to stay present and focused. It's about following directions and guidance for what we know to be good choices in diet, exercise, sleep and all the rest! It's also about finding new things once in a while, pouring your heart & soul into them, and having some fun.
Here's to bringing something new into your own life this year, something you love and enjoy. Here's to vibrant good health and family harmony. We're sending bright wishes to you & yours this holiday season with hopes for a healthy and peaceful new year.
All the best,
Amy Rothenberg ND